Wow! It’s hard to believe that it’s almost Christmas. I don’t know about you but I am a procrastinator. It’s true, I always wait until the last minute… I guess sometimes I find it more inspirational. But right now I am enjoying my weeks off until the new semester at school begins. I wanted to do another share of my past classroom photography assignments. We were working on different motion techniques which included stop action, blur and panning. Below is my favorite panning shot. Even though a lot of my classes surround taking pictures of people, landscape or architecture, I always try to incorporate the girls (Tzus) into my pictures. On this day I had my mother ride up and down the street in the tricycle we bought her last Christmas and for fun I threw Katie in the basket! Katie loves going for rides.
Photo Info: f/20 , 1/8 shutter , ISO 100
Though it is not a perfect panning shot, it is one of my favorite… I should have focused on Katie and not my mom!!
Thank you to Nola & Sugar for hosting this awesome Black & White Sunday Blog Hop!!
What a great picture and so much fun for your pup! Have a great holiday!
That’s a good thing about small dogs, can throw them in a basket and go for a ride. No such luxury for Donna!!
weliveinaflat recently posted…Lazy humans, mutters the dog
I think it’s fantastic! I really love how you got the action with the blur in the background. I always have trouble with this one. I have taken many a photography class, but I still haven’t mastered shutter speed and f-stops. Really love this shot a lot.
melF recently posted…Black and White Sunday #66 – Sheltie Winter Wonderland
Awesome picture! I love the bit of red left in the picture. Katie is so cute in the basket. Happy B&W Sunday!
Me, You and Zu recently posted…Black & White Sunday – December 22
It’s a great shot! And the colorizing really gives it a special flair. Happy B&W Sunday! Meghan
Two Cats and a Cattledog recently posted…B&W Sunday: Table Ornament
Nice picture!
What a great shot. Looks like a beach setting. My mom needs to practice in her action shots. Have a PAWsome relaxing Black n White Sunday. Have a wonderful Holiday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Sugar: Golden Woofs recently posted…Santa Sugar, Happy Holidays