Today has been such a hard day… It’s now 10:15pm PST, and Mr. JoeJo is still with me. I’ve always wondered how will I know it’s time. My vet has always told me to list three (3) things that he loves, and when he no longer responds to any of those you will know it’s time. I actually went back to one of my first posts almost 3 months ago..
Well these are Mr. JoeJo’s favorite things:
Loves to carry around his toys.He stopped doing this after his last dental and his vet doesn’t know why he would stop.
Loves to sniff the ground when he goes outside
Right now his is stumbling and walking (trying to) in circlesLoves to cuddle with mommy.
Holding him does not settle him, he is wimpering. I know he is very confused.- Loves to have his face rubbed.. This is the one thing that is left. I wet a little wash cloth and warm it up in the microwave… it soothes him and he relaxes.
I have been medicating him throughout the day, Buprenex (narcotic) this morning which really helped him sleep all afternoon. Actually we both slept, me on the couch with him in my arms. I think we woke up around 7:30pm, I tried to get him to eat, but the Buprenex makes him lose his appetite 🙁 . Around 9pm I gave him a Tramadol and within about 45 minutes he relaxed. Once relaxed I administered fluids as he has not had any water since 2am this morning. Though I am not a vet tech, I have worked closely with his vet over the last 2 years with his care and I am able to properly medicate him without complications until I can get him into the office.
I hope people can understand the reason I have decided not to let him cross the rainbow bridge today. I owe him to see his own vet… to make sure that crossing the rainbow bridge is the best option for him right now.
Though the end is not here just yet, I want to thank all the wonderful women who have been here for me today, Caren at Dakota’s Den, just knowing you are there for me to talk to helps me soo much. The Facebook Group For the Love of Shih Tzu, thank you Bev A, for what you wrote..
It is the hardest decision a pet-parent ever has to make. But it is one we make out of love, because we must. JoeJo does not fear death; only we do.
Here is my little man being watched over by his little sister Katie.
This is such a hard thing to go through. I’m so sorry. Sending hugs. You’re doing a great job.
Aw I’m so sorry to hear this 🙁 I think your vet has come up with an excellent way to help you determine the right time. I’ve never heard that advice before.
Ann Staub recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Chillin’ With My Doggy
It really helped a lot, I had actually added a fourth when one of the three disappeared. But it really gave me some sort of baseline of his quality of life.
We feel for you in this very tough, sad time. You will know when the time is right although it will always be too soon.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and JoeJo and appreciate you sharing your life with us.
BoingyDog recently posted…We Wouldn’t Be Alive If Not for Our Dog
My thoughts go to you and your furbaby. May the Rainbow Bridge crossing be peaceful.
Buddhagan recently posted…Pagan Blog Project – N is for Natural
Having made this decision 3 times in the last few years, I know how hard it is. Your first paragraph says it all though, the three things he enjoyed he no longer takes comfort in. You are making the right decision. One thing my vet said to me when we were trying to make this choice – “when a pet is terminal, you can never be too soon, but you can be too late”. wise words. Best of luck to you and Mr. JoeJo.
SlimDoggy recently posted…Tale of Tails: Tino & the Deer
Wow!!Those are very wise words… the last night he slept with me he would wake up and wimper, something he has never done…I would comfort him, and he would fall back to sleep, but I think it was the pain meds I had him on. I hope I wasn’t too late, I just couldn’t stand seeing him in pain, especially since I had him on a couple of really good pain killers.
Poor JoeJo. Letting go is really hard. My friend helped her cat to stay around longer by giving him fluids (she’s a vet Tech). He bounced back for a few month after hydrating though. It doesn’t sound like that is going to be little JoeJo’s fate. I had to put my 20 year old cat to sleep a few months ago. I was very sad but proud that I was the kind of pet parent who would choose to let him go because he needed it, even if I didn’t want it. I am just saying that I understand how hard that decision can be. My thoughts are with you.
Jessica@YouDidWhatWithYourWeiner recently posted…Saving Animals Doing What We Love – Petties Award
It is and totally understand how you feel. Sending you Lots of Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar n mom
SUGAR: Golden Woofs recently posted…Getting Noticed and Making A Buzz
I can barely read this without crying. I know so well what you are going through and it tears me apart. I went through the same when deciding whether or not to help my beloved Angel Bobo (my first cat) cross the bridge at age 18. It was the hardest decision I ever had to make.
I agree with you though, I would want my own vet to help him and that is what I did.
You don’t have to thank me at all, just know that I care and I hurt for you and my heart goes out to you