Well, we didn’t get into much mischief this weekend, unless you count Kyra getting into the front seat of the car to eat my danish while we were on our way to the agility trial. LOL. So I decided to go back a year in time to last May. I found a puppy that got away from the mother, and the owner didn’t care what happened to the puppy, she was half Rottweiller and I named her Roxy. At the same time I also found a little cat who I approprietly named Ninja. So the kitten was about 4 weeks when I got her, and Roxy was about 5 weeks old. Put them together at those ages and what do you get? BEST FRIENDS!!! Ninja still lives with us, but Roxy went to live with my in-laws, except now she looks like a brown dog(german shepardish) I guess what her daddy must have looked like. So not a Rottie anymore, and I know she was half because I met her mom!!!
So here is a little cuteness to start the week off.
Thank you to Snoopy for hosting this wonderful Blog Hop!!
Very cute. My kitty is best friends with our Storm. I think because they were both young when we got them. Kitty has issues with our oldest dog and our young dog. Age difference maybe.
2 brown dawgs recently posted…Time To Cool Off
Possibly, Ninja does get along with all the dogs. But when I brought foster Chicky in I thought I had released the devil!!! She wanted to kill her… Things are much better now.
How sweet!
Champ’s mom recently posted…A Portrait
Awww. They’re adorable!
Flea recently posted…Funny Bone Monday, 27
Thank you!!
oh my dear! They are so tiny and sweet together!
They so were.. when I first go Ninja she weighed 1.1 pound. She is now 11 pounds and Roxy is a big girl… I’ll have to dig out photos that my MIL sent over 🙂
Oh that is a whole load of cuteness!! Made me wag!
And the danish story made me chuckle – great mischief! 🙂
Wags to all,
Your pal Snoopy 🙂
snoopys@snoopysdogblog recently posted…Monday Mischief – Coconut Oil – I’m nuts about it!
Ohh… that danish was going to be so good!! It was only 6:30am and I stopped at a 7-11 to get some ice & water for the day. I left it on the seat of the car because Riley would never have jumped into the front to get it, totally forgot I had a big dog in the car that has no boundaries when it comes to food!!
A puppy and a kitten…that’ must have been good for hours of entertainment. Thanks for the pics.
SlimDoggy recently posted…Tale of Tails: Tino & the Critters
It was funny because when the puppy was in her little x-pen, Ninja(kitty) would climb in just to be with her.
OMG cuteness overload!
Yup… it was the first time in 6 years I had a kitten. And the first time having a puppy under the age of 4 months since I was a kid!!