If you didn't know it before, let me tell you now, I am a loyal customer and fan of The Honest Kitchen. I started feeding THK to my dogs approximately 3 years ago, so can you imagine my joy when I heard they were coming out with a bar shampoo for dogs? I'm always in search … [Read more...] about A Shih Tzu Shampoo Bar – A Sparkle Bar Review & Giveaway
Dog Shampoo
Silky, Smooth Hair Shih Tzu Shampoo: A Review of Bobbi Panter Pet Products
Bobbi Panter take me away!! No this is not a Calgon commercial, but it’s close! As an owner of 3 Shih Tzu’s I am always in serach of the perfect shih tzu shampoo that not only cleans, but doesn’t cause skin irritations. A couple of weeks ago when I was at SuperZoo in Las Vegas I … [Read more...] about Silky, Smooth Hair Shih Tzu Shampoo: A Review of Bobbi Panter Pet Products